Купить —
Candy RapidO ROW42646DWMC-07 – это узкая стиральная машина с сушкой, дистанционно управляемая с помощью специального приложения. У нее есть 16 режимов стирки, 9 из которых – быстрые программы, а в приложении вы найдете на порядок больше программ. Вообще-то это и есть главная особенность линейки RapidO – большой выбор эффективных программ, которые экономят наше время. Кроме этого отмечу тихую работу, инверторный мотор и барабан, который находится чуть выше, чем в обычных стиральных машинах, что позволяет легко и удобно загружать и выгружать ее. Еще одна необычная и технологичная фишка — Snap&Wash, дотаточно сделать фото белья и программа сама выберет подходящий режим стирки, причем эта особенность работает вполне адекватно.
текстовый обзор —
#Candy #Rapido #стирально_сушильная_машина #стиралка_сушка
Стирка по фотке это забавно
Congratulations from Brazil! Cheers!
parece ser muito bom mesmo!!
Сразу вопросы: материалы петли и язычка замка? Замок дверки открывается сразу или с задержкой? Есть ли аварийное открытие люка?(в нижней части шнурок). Продолжит ли машинка выполнять программу после отключения/восстановления электроэнергии?
Russian versions of this Machines are better than EU versions. No Eco60-40 program wich is only an Euro-fake!
Отличная машинка)
Скажите, пожалуйста, струя воды из манжеты должна литься на белье? Сегодня машинку подключили, а вода льется на дверцу
Купил такую же, понравилась, реально высушивает 3кг за час. Но вот куда она девает испарённую влагу, конденсирует и сливает?
Здравствуйте) подскажите, пожалуйста, удалось ли что-то решить с подпрыгиванием на отжиме? Приобрели такую же и при тестовом пуске на 1200 оборотов начала сходить с ума 😞 не хочется возвращать(
Как поменять язык на русский
Поставил отжим на 800 и говорит, не там уж и громко. Ты поставь на максимум. Измеряют максимум
They are ALL «Made in PRC,» CHINA!!!…
And it shows!!!!
Connectivity DOESN’T WORK, if you go to see the Candy App, i.e.: «Siply-Fi,» and «hOn», in the AppleStore, and in the PlayStore, the INSULTS of PISSED users and customers in the comments are in the MILLIONS!! !!….You can’t even get to the first comment from how many there are!!!
Everyone complains that it DOES NOT WORK, and it NEVER CONNECTS, and they ALL give an EXTREMELY BAD and NEGATIVE JUDGMENT!!!….
But not only on Candy Bianca, but also on Candy Rapidó, and GrandóVita, Alizé, HALL CANDY MODEL, HOOVER, AND HAIER, etc… Which differ only in aesthetics, because inside they are ALL THE SAME IDENTICAL, i.e. ROTTED PLASTIC!!!….etc.. ..
Among other things, these names should be the «Top» models of the Candy range … Think about what the LOWER ONES ARE!!….
The judgments then also concern the general «quality» of the materials and assemblies, which describing them as DISGUSTING, is still describing them in a SMALL WAY!!!
The casings are made of SUCH a thin and bad tin, that they FLEX JUST LOOKING AT THEM, the «paint» COMES OFF simply by wiping a damp rag of SIMPLE WATER!!!… Components like: The shock absorbers (there are only 2, instead of 4) they are made of shoddy plastic and they always creak!…
The tub is made of plastic that can NOT be opened for maintenance, and of VERY POOR QUALITY, also without a breather, and in fact after a short time it cracks and splits!
The pulley attached to the tank to make the basket turn is also in BAD PLASTIC!… And last but not least, the hinge of the porthole is also in plastic, as is the porthole itself, just do a wash already at 60°, and from the porthole it leaks water, because the plastic hinge yields under the heat of the hot water, and is no longer able to «force it» to support the pressure of the hot water ITSELF WHICH DEFORMS IT! …Imagine at 90°!!!…
Not to mention the toppings I describe as CHEWING-GUM and SAY LITTLE!
The water tubs NEVER take all the detergent, both powder and liquid, you always have to be there, careful to top up to make it all go down!
They emit VERY LITTLE WATER, especially those with the 2019/2020 Software onwards, both in the LOADING phase and in the RINSE phase, and the GARMENTS come out DIRTY, and FULL of DETERGENT!!!
As already said, THERE IS NO type of BREATHER for the VAPOR that is created in the tub, and the detergent, NOT infrequently, practically reaches the top edge of the tub, and then the SHORT CIRCUIT takes place!!!! …
The much agonized and praised «Super Artificial Intelligence» electronic control units are built with boards and components (capacitors, diodes, resistors, etc…) of VERY LOW QUALITY, and they BURN with NOTHING, the washing machine BLOCKS, and BYE BYE! !!!…YOU ARE ON THE HIGH SEA, WITHOUT OARS AND LIFE JACKETS!!!!
The garments inside rot, because THERE IS NO WAY TO OPEN THE DOOR, as it too is under electronic control and management, therefore burnt the electronic boards, the door remains LOCKED, and NO MECHANIC SYSTEM EXISTS TO OPEN IT!!!
YOU DO MAN!!!!…….😰
As soon as you call assistance to describe the problems, THEY THROW THE CALL OUT ON PURPOSE, and NEVER ANSWER YOU!!!…And this is said by many, go and search the Internet!!!…
The Candy outlet, in Brugherio (Lombardy), is FULL of USED WASHING MACHINES, which customers GAVE BACK because they DIDN’T WORK, and DIDN’T PROMISE the peculiar functions, and capabilities described in the FAKES amazing commercials, (FAKES where they even show the courtesy light at inside the basket, when it’s NOT THERE!!… ) and elsewhere, just go and see!…
There would still be a MOUNTAIN of things to say, but let’s stop here….
Once Candy was a pioneer, and leader, in the sector, now (for many MANY years now, since it was acquired by Haier, and became China PRC!!…) it is the WORST FOLLOWER OF THE CATEGORY!!
At the same price, you can buy other brands that are MUCH BETTER IN QUALITY!!
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